Security Matters: How to Hire a Remote Team Safely?

September 3, 2020
hire a remote team safely

Hiring remote teams in a pandemic and quarantine period has become more than necessary. According to a Global Workplace Analytics report, remote work in the U.S. has increased by 140% since 2005. And even so, some business owners are still afraid to hire remote teams.

Will the employees be productive, will there be a spirit of teamwork, will my employees look for another job, will it  be difficult for me to communicate with the employees, how can I properly negotiate a cooperation agreement so that I am not deceived? Next, we will understand how to hire an offshore team safely.

Trust to Hire a Remote Team

hiring on offshore team

This is the first rule of the remote team hiring guide: You need to trust your remote team to be sure of your cooperation. Read reviews about working with a specific offshore team from other clients. You will find out what services the remote team has previously provided and whether customers were satisfied with the performance.

The Openness While Hiring an Offshore Team

hire an offshore team

Before signing a contract and starting cooperation with the remote team, make sure that they play fair with you. Answer all questions directly, without empty words, and do not hesitate to ask them questions to avoid conflict situations in the future. Make sure that the proposed work plan suits you; this will make it easier for you to control the process from A to Z.

People are the Key to Success

Check, communicate and test every employee who will be in your remote team. Of course, experienced offshore teams have recruiters, but it will never be superfluous to personally communicate with potential employees who will be offered to you by recruiters. If you still have a model that remote developers are unreliable because they just want to complete the project as soon as possible, make money and leave, then get rid of this model immediately! Every self-respecting offshore specialist is primarily interested in experience, and only after that in money. Recruiters will make sure to offer you exactly those remote developers who want experience.

Client & Offshore Team—Partners

From the moment you start working with a remote team, you become a full-fledged partner. There can be no secrets or misunderstandings between you. Also, for your part, you should immediately voice your point of view, wishes and satisfaction with the result. Your offshore team should provide you with complete information about the progress of the project (compare it with the previously discussed plan). Choose an offshore team not only as a product supplier but also as like-minded people who are going in the same direction as you—you need to find this out during your first online meetings. Share your ideas and plans, and then ask the remote team leader to share their project vision. If the team leader seems to have “read your thoughts”, congratulations; this is the perfect match! Do not miss this chance to hire a remote team.

The Question of Price

How much does it cost to hire an offshore team

Once you’ve decided on your project budget, find a country that can meet your needs. Accordingly, analyze the IT labor market to hire the offshore team that matches you perfectly. Rest assured, if you find a remote team that costs much less than the average cost, then at best, the project will have a poor quality; at worst, you will simply be deceived. Remember, free cheese is only in a mousetrap! A well-executed project with the involvement of first-class specialists cannot be cheap, but you can optimize your costs if you choose the right country to hire the remote team. For example, the Ukrainian IT market has long established itself as a leader among other European countries.


Remember that you and your offshore team work together even though you are actually in different parts of the world. Find your offshore team based on your needs, and do not be fooled by the low cost of services.

Premium Offshore Software Development

Israel IT has many years of experience providing offshore software services to dozens of global clients with successfully completed projects. We use a reliable and proven approach to working with customers, which will provide you with complete control of the process from A to Z. We also have experience working with startups, so we can turn your idea into a successful product. Find more details about Israel IT’s dedicated software development team.

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