Why Could Golang Bring You to Google?

April 25, 2020

A brainchild of Google created in 2009, Golang is pretty new in the whole race of programming languages. But it has left no stone unturned to appeal to a huge chunk of developers. Some even believe that it is the future.

Python, Java, JavaScript and so many other programming languages are available to developers these days. But what makes Golang so popular a component in a developer’s paraphernalia of computing resources? Is it because it’s from Google? Perhaps yes to some extent, it’s not the only reason.

Here are a few aspects that are pushing developers around the globe to embrace Golang:

  • Native currency model: Go depends on a concurrency model called Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP), which allows developers to communicate the stored value in their variable from thread to the other.
  • Cross-platform: Go’s cross-platform usability allows developers to target almost any operating system of their choice while writing codes. As such, it’s also one of the most versatile programming languages that developers can leverage these days.
  • Easy to use: Golang code usually compiles itself to a single native binary code, which makes the deployment of a written application extremely easy. Developers can quickly copy an application file to the destination server with the help of Golang.
  • Mature package: Golang helps developers come up with production-level software that encompasses a host of use cases. From encryption software to Restful web, Golang allows developers to build almost everything without considering any third-party package.
  • Efficient memory management: Golang’s native garbage collection eliminates the need for developers to perform their own memory management. This feature reduces the chances of early memory leaks as developers don’t have to account for each configuration manually.

How is Golang growing?

Golang is a continuously growing programming language. One of the most significant applications of this Google creation is seen in the field of data science. It has superior debugging and error handling features that make it better than R or Python.

Since data scientists are different from programmers, Golang assists in production and prototyping, thereby proving to be a more fortified language for implementing data science solutions.

Golang is specifically designed to meet modern-day software delivery and deployment requirements. It’s explicitly written for the cloud, and it continues to rise to fame owing to its concurrent operations and excellent performance.

Google is known for its user support and care. The tech giant invested in tons of free guides and made Golang an open-source platform for developers. The language is all poised to get a full spectrum of packages and add-ons, making it an all-in-one uber-efficient multi-purpose coding master.

If you are a developer, whether fresh-out-of-college or experienced, learning this programming language from Google can land up a job in the creator’s office. Google is an employee-focused organization, but it certainly values the skills of the professionals they hire.

Given the dynamic pace at which the application world is changing, having somebody who knows Golang along with other programming languages will be nothing less than a happy chance for the organization.

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